
19 May 2007

Landmark Amplifier

Here is the schematic of our Landmark amplifier module, our first amplifier design using MOSFETs as power output devices.

09 May 2007

Landmark Amp Actual Sample Pic

Here's a closer pic of the Landmark Amp module. For those who are interested with the details of this fine piece of audio amp (schematics, pcb and placement guide, etc), start sending your e-mail to us and we will gladly reply. Our contact e-mail is

06 May 2007

Series 2 Amplifier

Here is the circuit for the BJT-output amplifier module. Several have already been made and have found their applications in the comfort of home audio systems, professional and business establishments, school and public address systems, and students' project of several engineering and tech-voc institutions. The circuit is tried and proven and have gone through the mill for several years.

Audio Amplifer Book

Here is the book that provides the answer to the searches and challenges of personally designing and assembling your own power amplifier circuit - the very heart of audio power amplifiers.

It is oriented for the audio enthusiasts and hobbyists with an inclination to electronics but may not have a degree in electronics engineering.

The price of the book is PhP 200.00 (shipping and handling not included)